2day was d 1st day of Jualan Minggu Koperasi. Its tired...><
Bt overall is ok altot gt few complaning abt some stuff...XD
Hmm.... In conclusion, v jz hvg $$ pro. Budget nt enuf...Xp
Nvmlah lar, all things wil b settle soon. Think positive k?!
Err...I... I duno 1na hw 2 describe out abt d jualan 2day...Xp
As u all knw lar, my "biao da neng li" nt gud. Jz skip it..XD
Hmm...Altot my dad very bc 4 his work bt stil being hlpful 2day.
He fetch me n MK go buy those jualan things...
1.Selayang buy fishball
2.Another place buy eggs
3.Stil lend out his office fridge put our things
4.Lend out pot oso
I can c tht u gt d heart 2 hlp us in our things. Thx dad!
Anyway, last Fri on d way went ttn, my books fall on road. ><
Its rainny day... My chem n add.math note book all wet...@.@
D whole Sat&Sun I jz bc 4 recopy chem note. 1na ciaoz liao!!
Copy non stop almost whole two days. Hand tired dao... ><
I need recopy all tht cuz those word r blur altot its dry dy.
Til nw I jz finish recopy chem note. Stil gt add.math hvn copy.
Bt nvm, its ok. I realy din blame any1. Jz as revision lor...XD
I din lik study de ma. Recopy those note would hlp me rmb...Xp
Oso gt brg benefit 2 me de la....XD
One more thing, this day our ttn teacher--Ms.Ng was fierce enuf.
Tis time she's angry jo I thnk...Xp She 1st time lik tht lerh.
She scld/talk wif strong tonation to us. I oso stunt tht time.
Walaaaaaau eh, she realy 1st time treat us lik tht lerh!!! @.@
I accept tht v realy gt wrg, bt jz no need... Err... Hmm...
I knw tht she's been patient enuf 2 us long time. Bt...Bt...
Actually I'm stil blur abt it, I cant tahan shld voice out.
Wat's wrg wif tht?! Is d 2 Sinar Bintang gurl din do h.w k!!
Nt us pls!! I gt do it lerh!! Bt, I'm sry 4 late come ttn.
Its realy my fault. Sry... Bt since I make d decision. So...
Sumore, I realy din gt d probability paper. Jz gt d table ny.
Argh, dun 1na mention it agn. K la, its alright. Ntg la...
I'm sry 4 say lik tht... Bt its my feeling, gonna tld out.
Tld out wil make me more comfortable. Hope u al dun k abt it.
It doesn't mean anyting. Aft tld out here, I'll 4gt thr...XD
Since its my blog, pls respect wat I type out here. Freedom~
Sry... Hope hu c tis wont kep in their heart n angry wif me.
Pls n Thx....XD
Ytd sumting hapen wif my sch shoes. Long stry,lazy mention out.
So, boro sch shoes wif fren...XD Boom dao lerh!! Wahahaha....
Ask fren brg me shoes on 2day morning n chg it b4 step in sch.
Geng lerh me n my fren~~ Hahaha...My parents oso boom dao...^^
Bt my dad say... I'm lucky to hv such a gud fren wor....=.=
Ask me treat my fren gud wor.... (Sure gt sum1 perasan thr jo)
Dad! I oso knw lar... Gud fren wil hlp u much if u gt trouble.
Hmm... Altot only boro a day, bt sure nid wash it 1st ny return.
But!!!! Only 1day me wear it, I din dirty it...Pls... I din!!
KNS!! I bath ard 30min ny, bt d shoes take me 1hr 2 wash. @.@
Seem lik d shoes bath time longer than me....Xp ><''' Haha...
D shoes oh, grey in colour de. I almost 1 take it "piao bai" dy.
Bt since its nt mine, no nid so du~~~~ dela.....XD Hahahaha...
N hor, inside oso very dirty. Water flow out greydish-black...Xp
I swear tht almost 11yr, my sch shoes din been lik tht dirty b4.
C d shoes dy knw its owner alwys cincai wash it ny la.....XD
U knw "re ji yue lei" d dirt on shoes sure hard 2 wash out dy la.
KNS!!! Realy KNS!!! "Mug Qi Ju Yan Yeng" u knw.... (In cantonese)
Sry ah... I knw u're very gud... I stil say u lik tht...Bt jz....
Jz voice out my opinion, comment ny la...XD Its doesnt mean...XD
Hahahaha... I knw u wont so smal gas de. U soooo good hor....Xp
Dun nxt time dun1 hlp me jo ah....^^ Anyway, thx much MWKT. XD
K la, tht's all 4 2day... Hope 2moro jualan anyting wil b ok.
齐秦 - 不让我的眼泪陪我过夜
6 months ago
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