I'm backed~! Having serious fluid+cough+sore throat recently. Damn uncomfortable and dislike it!! Ish... Anyway, carpool with Ling Sze, Sharon, Sweet Yee and Kalye. As conclude, we need go college on 8am and back on 5.30pm everyday. >< Wanna save petrol's $, should carpool and tolerating each other. So, end up all should wait cope with the time. : )
Monday there's something happen and make me feel depressed, dissapointed, sad or frustrated?? I feel like wanna give up and don't wanna bother anything of it. Lol... Seriously, it hurts badly. : ( But after all thanks god it back to normal. I still can cope with it. Hehe... Ehemhemhem... Skip it~! Haha...
Tuesday and Wednesday what happen huh?? Letcha think first... Hmm... 1min... 2min... 3min... Err... No idea at all~! Old liao, memory also not that good le. Hehe...
Thursday~! Have a small steamboat party?? Yeap, Thursday morning they go Giant supermarket buy those drinks and foods. After class around 3pm we start preparing for our steamboat as dinner at Carmen & Jackee's house. Haha... Steamboat with my collegemate, Ling Sze, Hsiu Jiuan, Jia Huey, Li Kuan, Shinova, Carmen, Jackee, Maeve and Tony! Thanks to my beloved friends. You all were such a huge! Xp Have an enjoyable and great day with them... Haha...
Today as usual went Ling Sze house early in the morning. Her turn to fetch us go college. Unfortunately, her car get stuck in house by her parents car. Lol... Rich people is like that, one people one car until the car no place park and blocking each other's car...Xp So, she forced to drive her brother's car to college. How dare drive the car without "P" there. Haha... Had economics test on today, the question is simple if I got do revision on it. Lol... But unexpected is 15marks per question need draw 5graphs and explaination. O.O So, of cause I can't manage to do that. Hehe... Re-test on next Friday 8am-9am!! : ( Ended our class on 4pm and back house sleep~!! Don't know why keep sleeping and yet still feel very tired. Lol... What happen to me? I dislike this feel, keep sleeping wasting my time...xD
齐秦 - 不让我的眼泪陪我过夜
6 months ago
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