Today around 4pm received aunt's call. Aunt is crying while talk with me.
She told that grandfather had pass away. I'm tuitioning that time.
Let Ms.Ng say I disturb her class cause answer phone.
Honestly, actually that time I got a bit boh song lor.
Like that say me... : ( Very sad + angry la.
But forgive her since she dont know what happen on me.
Ya! I'm guilty. I feel guilty!! I din have the last chance to see him.
I regret~ Sorry ah gong!! Sorry... Please forgive me... 555...
Sorry...Very sorry... : ( I'm not purposely dont wanna go visit you de.
But just dont have the chance. Sorry ah gong. Please forgive me.
Rest in peace...Please accept my condolence.
Sudden flash back many memories with ah gong.
Sad~ He treat me very good.
When I was small that time, he always get me what I want.
He treat me very good. Even others cousin or my sister.
My grandfather also din treat them as good as me.
Ah gong, you are the best! Realy very sorry ah gong!
I'll miss you ah gong~ : ( 5555.... @.@ X.X Very sad ar!!
Now I know, even I stand infront of you, you also dont know already la.
Haiz...Sad of it...Dont leave me lar ah gong! Dont dam dai us!! Its....555...
Ok. Since its already happen. We should face the fact right?
Dont worry ah gong! We will be happy. Stay a good life.
Wont let you worry of us. Argh! God ah~ My sadness who knows??
I'm just act nothing infront of you all only. Haiz...
Tonight sleep at dad's office due to everyone is staying grandfather there...
Take turns "Shou ye"?? So, just me and my dad have a chance to sleep.
Actually I cant go school tomorrow de. But its my last day. I beg them...
Of cause all my family member allow me absent a day. Thanks! Xp
So, tomorrow night my turns to stay there. I will damn boring there lerh.
Ohya, when I saw the picture mum's brother show me.
I feel very scare... X.X Dont know why... Cham~~
Its grandfather sleep in coffin's picture. Washeh... Scary~ @.@
Maybe I feel guilty and very sory to him?? Until I not dar to face him?
Please DONT let me feel scare...Sorry ah gong...God bless me...Xp
Besides, mum and aunt all cry like hell... Cheer up~ : )
Ok, Suan la. Its pass....
I should concentrate in my study right?? Yup!! : )
21days to SPM!!!!
齐秦 - 不让我的眼泪陪我过夜
6 months ago
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