Lazy blog in chinese dy...Eng more easy!
Haha... Anyway, jz 4 this few day la.
Exam ma, whr gt so much time type chinese.
Eng fast n furious... Furious?! XD Jk...
Ytd exam BIO paper2 n paper1...X.X :(
Sumting nt so good happen on my class.
Dun feel like 1na mention it...Leave it!
Bio is damn super hyper freaking hard!!
I had no eye c 4 the BIO... Oh gosh!!
No hope... It's no hope dy!! Fail~~
Once finish d Bio paper2 I knw'll fail.
Bt sure hope can gt btr marks 4 p1&p2.
At least can balance the marks lo...Xp
Haiya! Watever! Dy over! Dun think abt it!
2day add.math overall is still ok... XD
Bt as same sure nt enough time do lo...Xp
Espcly p2! Last 2 ques I nt enough time!
The 2 ques stand 20 marks ah! It's gone~~
Bt I din blank, jz do rubbish inside...Xp
2moro?! Sienz!! Exam Bio n Chem paper3!
Althgh gt tips n less 2 read bt i stil lazy.
Hahaha... Hoiyo! This ppl shld punish jo!!!
No choice, jz nw gt simply read a while la.
Bt duno y, I can't control myself 2 concentrate.
Once read few minutes I sure'll gt up of d chair.
Nxt time use rope tied me up! "Chor Deng Deng" XD
Haha...2day early back hse. Bt no1 at thr...@.@
Few hour later grandma, cousin n aunt went back.
They decide 2 go Selayang Mall. So, I sure folo.
Cuz exam damn stress damn sienz damn boring wei.
Sure 1 go out walk walk la...If nt I'll b carzy!
Nw?! PLan study.. Bt.. bT.. Bt... Tired dy...Xp
Duno y this few days alwys feel very tired...XD
Every9 ard 10pm I'll start feel sleepy...Xp
K la!! Tired jo!! Nitez~~~
齐秦 - 不让我的眼泪陪我过夜
6 months ago
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