Friday its Min Hua's birthday. So, having pot luck at her house. xD
Me, Ls and Emily prepare spageti. That's tomato and white sauce.
I first time cook those stuff lerh. Of cause I cook the tomato sauce.
Another white one is Ls cook de, Honestly, hers nicer than mine. : (
At first quite worry mne will left much, then I will feel paiseh...Xp
So, keep on forcing them to eat lor.....^^ ( Not force la actually. )
Until wanna back that time, when I saw it was left little only. xD
Seriously I get shock on it. Hahaha... Though still left full pot de.
Who know? Hahahaha...Thanks my friends! I heart you all! Xp
Its fun and I enjoy the pot luck party. : ) We play 2 games there.
First, dont know what chubby bunny. (Video will be upload soon.)
Second is dont know what bit bit bit... What dont know bit what.
Haha...Talk crap me? I keep on lose in this game cause of stupid!
Lol... No la, my action a bit slower than others only ma... Hehe...
And there's punishment. Looser will feed jelly?? by Yeow Xin. : )
Of cause almost half I ate due to too slow motion. Noob me! ><
Ohya! Thanks Min Hua!! and Happy Birthday Min Hua!! : )
Saturday I went badminton with my gang but not all... : (
Nevermind lar its fun also. After that go lunch with them.
After lunch go kyee's house. They chit chat there and I nap there.
Haha... Dont say me pig!! I really tired after badminton lar...Xp
After napping got a bit dont feel like wanna walk go LS house,
Cause I just wake up blur blur like that... : ) At last we got go.
Play wii there with Jeat, small Carmen and Weng Zheng. xD
Anyway, Sorry LS!! Thanks much LS!! Hahaha... : )
Almost forget what they had remind me. Thanks small Carmen!
She told me that not too relax for the last subject. Its Chinese~
Because they try before? Will get blank if too relax and din prepare.
So, borrow some chinese referrence book from her. Hehe...
That's all for this days. Night everyone!!
ps : I really dissapointed on you all and I dont know what's the problem now? Why cant try to respect people?? Why can't accept people?? Its many time already I try to observed and .... I damn dissapointed on you all!! Seriously, you all are selfish!!
齐秦 - 不让我的眼泪陪我过夜
6 months ago
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