Fuyoh, this is the 1st time I write blog in English……
Cuz last time Emily say my blog sooooo Chinese ma ><
Then juz listen to her lor…. See!! How good am I……Xp
Nola, actually is me too lazy to write in chinese…… ^^
Cuz gt many 2 write, type Chinese damn slow+hard man!!
Watever!! K, start my story for this three days……..
Tuesday 6/10/2009
Today is the 1st day of exam and also Chien Hui Birthday….
Damn poor, pity her. All ppl buzy exam n din bother abt her.
Bt nvm lah, v’ll replace back celebrate wif her on 24 of this month…
Let’s talk abt exam…… Erm…… BC exam, both paper oso ok lah…….
Can say nt difficult bt oso nt easy…… Wat am I saying huh?? Haha…..
Anyway, bt I still will gt a bit worried abt the paper2 last section.
Cz I found tht I gt many Chinese words 4gt hw to write dy……@.@
Dun k la, I replace by another word which same meaning…….T.T
Ah!!!!!!!!! Almost 4gt!!! B4 v take BC exam, something happen.
4B, 4C n 4E in same class take BC exam ma….Then quite good de.
Bt!!!! Bt!!!! Suddenly heard teacher say all 4C student go out……
Speechless…. Then v go another class to take BC exam lor……
Let the place 4 those 4E n who gt take Islam de lor!! Unfair!!!
Bt oso gt little of 4B, 4E student b wif us go another class lar….
1st v all go 5G class with those 4L student take exam 2gether….
Bt when the MR.YAP knw tht v from 3 different class to join them..
He suddenly felt very hyper angry n straight away scold the teacher…
He say hw can so many class join 2gether, u thought rojak ah!!
He keep talk n talk, scold n scold wif his 4L student…….. X.X…
His 4L student all gt exam paper except us…. He din 1 to gv us 1st.
The most terrible is he tear the exam paper infront of us..…shock!!
Wa sheh! U r a teacher bt ur attitude jz same like those 4L student!!
Finally v chg to 5C class to take BC exam with those 4M student lor….
V seem rubbish like tht oh, let ppl kick here n there!! Unfair!!!!
Those C2pid teacher. Won’t plan nicely one!! Brainless!!
Wednesday 7/10/2009
Today v gt add math exam…… The most stressful day of me…..
Cz I scare I will gt bad marks n make many ppl disappointed….
Bt, when I took the paper2 exam I found tht many duno do……
Haiz……… Hw can!!!! Hw can!!!! Hw can I so C2pid!!!!..... L
Bt, luckly paper1 ok….. Won’t so difficult at least can balance….
The C2pid MR.YAP agn! He say the add.m paper set till very easy.
Duno hv to gv wat reaction………………………….
Wa!! Bt!! Today oso gt ppl birthday wor…….. Pity her agn!!!!!
Hahahaha….. Ya, is Michelle Wong Kitt Yue Birthday……..
Ntg special, no ppl celebrate wif her…. Or mayb I din saw it…..
Thursday 8/10/2009
Today v gt chemistry exam……… Paper 1 n Paper 2 oso ok……..
Mention 1st, my ok nt mean tht I can gt good score ah!!!!!!
Juz won’t too difficult………… Bt still worry abt it lar of cuz…….
Haiz………… Still hyper worrying abt the add math marks….zzzzz
2day I stay back till 3.30pm with Michelle, Catheriine n Xin Yan.
V stay at library 2 study Biology 4 2moro exam………..
After sch I went to their class, bt I saw tht aldy no ppl in there.
Then I juz keep thinking where do they go……Jz walk n walk……
When I walk almost reach the sch gate prepare 2 go home…
Suddenly heard sumone call my name…… It’s Xin Yan!!!!!!
Then she juz keep scold n scold me……..zzzzzzz……. Hoiyo!!!
After sch I din saw u all, I think u all chg ur mind dun1 stay back!!
Then I follow them back to library put down bag lor…….
After tht I plan 2 go canteen eat ma, she scold agn!!!!!
She say, jz nw at canteen din c u say 1 eat, then reach library only say.
Swt…….. Speechless……. Nvm!!! She’s like tht de………..
Then at library, I borrow bio note from her to read….. She scold agn!!!
@.@..... Speechless…… She always angry bcuz of those small things.
2moro Bio exam argh!!!!!!!! @.@ Realy very worry, very scare…….
Die lor!!!!!!I hate Bio!!!!! Study oso hard 2 rmb de!!!!!! Very worry!!!!
Realy very hyper worry I can’t ans n blank many of the ques…… L
Jz hope!!!!! Hope!!!!! Hope!!!!! Hope I can ans all tht n at least gt pass.
At library, v jz study bio, bt me??! Duno y, study oso nt use… Can’t rmb!!
Then Michelle n me jz shift to the back’s table to study…………..
She keep read n explain to me all tht……. Hehehehe….. I jz listen…….
Good lerh, seem like a radio bside me bt talk abt Bio…... Hahahaha……
After tht, v all back at 3.30pm lor………. Tht’s all………..
齐秦 - 不让我的眼泪陪我过夜
6 months ago
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