Gonna burst?! U tot u'r red blood cell meh?! XD Xp
Haiz! My God!! Very sad! Very sad!! Very sad ah!!! Argh!!!
Grr!!!! Wat the H!!!! Wat the F!!! Wat's the pro huh?!!
Wat happen 2 me?! Y sudden so many c2pid things kacau me?!
Y alwys cant jz dun think abt it n make myself happy?!!
Y gt those C2pid boresome n tiresome things around me?!
I feel very tired n sienz...Dun feel lik 1na think abt it.
Y wat I had plan cant achive?! Y my suggestion no1 agree?!
Y I cant make my own decision?! Y cant listen 2 me?!!
Y cant humour me?!! Cant juz discuss properly?!! Hng!!!
I jz 1na a listener... Is tht hard?!!! No1 can hlp me?!!
Useless!! A human without blood circulatory system!!!
Means WOOD!!!! Wont gv some respond 2 me de WOOD!!! X.X
Well!!! 2day gt those college pameran?! Watever....Xp
Sumting attract me!! Hehe... It's game college. Washeh!!XD
Din heard b4 lerh!! Such a good...... Hmm.... Erm....
Sudden Pn.Rossidah came n say. Aiyo, Pearly! Kamu minat ni ke?!
Tak boleh lah, kamu bla bla bla~ Tidak sepatut bla bla bla~
I stunt... O.O I din say I 1na.... Jz feel fun n go c nia~~~
Cant go investigate c de meh?! Watla, Haiya! XD
Bt, bside all abt music, I had found others tht I interested.
It's animation n multimedia design!! Hahaha.... Quite cool.
Hmm... Nw duno hw. Wat shld I do 4 my future?! Haiz....
After SPM hw?! Study wat?! Buisness Management? Account?
Animation? Multimedia Design? Or back to those science....
Hmm.... Try 2 discuss wif family, bt no1 bother me.
Wat the.... Then sienz lor.... Discuss wif grandma...@.@
She duno anythings wat.... Yer!! I realy lost....Xp
Gonna 2 be hot temper..... My life r geting hard.....
齐秦 - 不让我的眼泪陪我过夜
6 months ago
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