My mood 4 2day is in between happy n sad... Lolx...Xp
2day was Ms.Khor retirement... Ofcuz our sch gt celebration on it.
Hmm... This time special a bit, I lost d chance c those persembahan.
Cuz I'm playing in 5A. Keep on kacau Yan thm especialy LS...XD
Its happen a lot of funny things thr. It wil b my best memories 4 tis yr.
Well, duno y I sudden so gud b her photographer d whole day...XD
Took many many pic... Bt my own pic oso gt quite much in it la...Xp
The unluckily + sad part.....
Ling Sze lost her phone... C2pid Malay guy!! Go die la u!! Asshole!!
D story start lik tht... After I finish hormat thr, I quick rush back 5A.
Thn saw her keep finding things, after ny knw tht she lost her phone.
So sad lar wei... If early I hlp her kep phone&camera, it wont happen.
I'm jz C2pid!! Cant thnk tht?! Only hlp her kep camera bt nt phone!!
Bt, its oso lucky 2 say, if nt I hlp her kep d camera, it wil lost oso.
Haiz... Watever la... I'm realy sad of tht. Can even hlp fren 2.... : (
Argh!! N I saw she cry... Wth... I most scare fren cry de le... X.X
Its killing me... Its realy sad lerh, knw ur fren gt trouble bt cant hlp!
K, watever its alrdy pass. 4gt abt it k? Dun b sad anymore LS! Xp
Since its lost, thnk +ve k? Its d chance 4 u 2 chg a new phone...Xp
Bsides, Sry Yan, Cat, big n small Car, Jeat, KYee, Meri n KKuan.
I din do wat I had promised agn. Very sry abt tht I din lunch wif u all.
Cuz I dun1 troublesome u all 2 wait me. I dun1 wasting u all de time.
Finally, she's mood ok n v go eat. Unluckily same lunch at KOK HING.
I'm very paiseeh tht time. Very sry... N sry 4 I din go ttn. Its own prob!
After eat I go airport wif my dad 2 fetch my aunt which back frm London.
Ard 9.30pm only I reached hse lerh... Tired~~ K la, write til here....
I'm realy laazy to type much n I'm tired 2 death......Xp
Details n more photo pls visit Ling Sze's profile...... : )
Drag me to hell!!!
79 days to SPM!!!
齐秦 - 不让我的眼泪陪我过夜
6 months ago
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