Well, alrdy 2 days I din update my blog. Its many things 2 write out nw... : )
Ladies n gentlement pls spend ur half an hour or more thn tht 2 read tis post.
Cuz sum1 complaint abt my post too short n can finish in few seconds...Xp
Let's talk abt tis 2 days... I'm sure tht u all r interes of tht? Haha... (perasan)
Ytd I din plan 2 go anywhr cuz I dun fel lik 1na.... Jz thnk of studies ny...Xp
Sry Yit How 4 put ur aeroplane 3days. Btw, went her hse study AGN...Xp
I'm sure u all read my blog til 1na vomit right? Alwys her hse...Xp Hahaha...
Hmm... Ytd me 11.05am reach her hse. I can rmb d time cuz I miss a show!
Ish...Its Hebe!! She text me on 10.36am say tht gt a show til 11am gt Hebe!
Thn I rush my aunt 2 fast fetch me go her hse watch it. Unluckily, I miss it!!
K jz 4gt abt it. : ) Thn start do my trigo paper thr. Walau, much dao...@.@
Most of d ques r totally d same! Especially graph! Draw til I 1na vomit! Xp
I bet tht sum1 was complaint abt it tht I learn her alwys say vomit... Haha...
While d half way doin trigo, tht's a guy come her hse tunning her piano. Lol...
Its start Ding Ding Dong Dong thr... N, her kakak was funy, duno vacuum.
She gonna piss off bcuz of tht...D way she tease? scld? her kakak. Hahaha...
Ard 3pm she went piano clas, me alone at her hse 45min 2 do my trigo. XD
After 45min her bro n me go fetch her back frm piano clas cuz she 1 take hp.
Ya, her's wait for 6dayssssss HAZEL!! Finally gt STOCK n she gt it ytd!!
Haha...After settle her hp things, her bro fetch me back. Thx her bro much~
Thn...Dinner, after tht rush on my trigo agn until mid9 3.30am lerh... Ish...
Gud lerh me... Bt sum1 realy PRO n geng... I gt shock of it!! Washeh~~ ^^
Half way she teach me do d trigo, she went out eat? I phone her tht time.
She teach me through phone, she brg d formula out too!! I gt shock! Walau~
I'm realy gt short while touching~ I was... Fuyoh~ Y gt tis type ppl? Xp
K la.... Very thx u 4 alwys so GT HEART hlp me in my things... Thx much!
Hmm....Abt 2day? I gt ttn frm 11am-2.15pm. Cant went badm wif thm... : (
Bt nvm, after ttn I went her hse AGN! Haha... Go thr do TRIGO la......^^
I dun thnk so. Hehe...Say go thr do trigo is jz an excuse. Actually 1na hlp her.
Yalar, hlp her in her wait for 6dayssssss HAZEL...Xp Hlp download themes.
Walao, proud of myself... Hahaha... I finally done it! 1st time lerh...Xp
I din download themes b4 cuz alwys oao fren send me de. Bt her's special~~
Format nt same wif us pulak... >< Almost 1na gv up n piss off... Luckily~~
Finally I can gao dim...Wahahaha...Damn happy tht time. Thx Michelle oso!
Thx Michelle 4 teaching me b4 tis... I kep on text her 2 learn n ask wat 2 do.
On d other hand, its... Its... Haiz... Duno hw 2 describe..Anyway, its fun! Xp
Open sch nxt wek lo, wont gt chance 2 went her hse kacau dy... Hahaha...
As conclude, very thx u 4 giving me a chance 2 disturb u lots on tis holiday.
Hahahaha.... Memorable holiday huh? I mean 4 me... Din went out oso...Xp
1st time so good lerh, holiday din went out... Kep on go ppl hse ny....Hehe...
Err.... Duno wat else 2 say lar..... Tht's all 4 this.... Xp
I appreciate it & keep it in heart
Drag me to hell!!!
67 days to SPM!!!!!
齐秦 - 不让我的眼泪陪我过夜
6 months ago
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