This 2 days was A FAIRLY TALE 4 me...XD Realy damn happy.
Y say so? Cuz can b wif thm n happen many funny things.
This day I din go sch, bt 12.35pm only I go...XD ==lll
Cuz 2pm gt ttn, n oso promise acc Sze Mei thm lunch.
Whn I reach sch tht time ny knw Yan thm oso go 4 lunch.
Din tld me earlier huh? I'm angry wif it...Joking...XD
So, tht time I realy duno hw, gonna cut me into half?
Duno shld folo which side...Xp Sze Mei? or XYan thm?
At last, I choose 2 b wif XYan thm...XD Sry ah Sze Mei.
5C gang--SMei, MPoh, WTing, Kalye, KSeng, Sum, CSeong,
YHow n YHow's KAI MUI....
My gang--Big&Small Carmen, Cat, XYan, Sweet, Jeat, Meri,
KKuan,KarYee, KYan n Me...
Crowded huh?? KOK HING full of our voice/sound...Xp
V all 2gether went KOK HING, 20++ ppl... Fuyoh! Yeng!
Haha... Ofcuz v seperate into 2 tables...XD
Among eating tht time, ite realy fun.
Anyway, we talk, laugh, chat, smile, mock wif each other.
Its realy funny d ways v chatting. Laugh lik hell...XD
Its hard 2 say out here. If u're thr u'il knw d happiness.
I'm happy 2 be wif thm lik tht... Laugh all d time...XD
Especially d 2 kids...Xp Small Carmen n Jeat(fly)...><
Its new member huh? I mean in our gang. V alwys brg along thm.
Haha...Its realy very happy n good 2 b wif u all my dear fren.
Haiz... Duno graduate jo tht time hw tim... Less time 2 meet.
Haiyo!! SPM hvn finish jiu thnk of graduation...Haiz!! XD
Saturday (2day)
2day ard 11.45pm go Taurus Sapo's hse do h.w n revision.
I'm here 2 say sry 2 Taurus Sapo, I'm late 1hour ny come.
Haha...Cuz I slp late n b4 go her hse gt sum stuff 2 do.
Those Ms.Ng Birthday party stuff lo...XD Haiz...555...
Bt unluckily, Ms.Ng cant attend on her Birthday party.
Cuz she went hospital, kidney inflammation.(if nt mistaken)
Its realy sad+dissapointed abt her absent. Bt no choice...
Hope she wil b ok... :) Mon gonna gv her surpise agn...^^
Ok, back 2 d Taurus sapo tht part...XP
Went her hse, 4 me, is ok, I gt learn sumting n study thr.
Bt 4 her I duno, after saw her blog, seem lik useless 4 her.
Sry 4 being disturbing thr...Promise wont hv nxt time...Xp
Hey!! Nolo, I'm very very diam diam tht time jo lo. Blek~
Very good self-controling oso!! Less playful jo lo! Hmph!
Bt, she's quite good oso. She hlp me 2 edit my blog...^^
She realy very good lerh, altot I keep on complaint...
Bt she stil very YONG XIN hlp me edit much...XD Touching~
Hahaha... Bside, she stil do many things 4 me lerh...Xp
Hlp me take this n tht without complaint, teach me math.
I lik d time while she's teaching me math. Patient enuf!
The most make me shock de tings is she cut apple 4 me ma.
I dun lik d apple wif skin. Sry ah my eng nt gud...Xp
Thn she take d apple agn 2 cut off d skin 4 me... I was~~
Washeh, if others sure scld me, cut 4 u stil complaint much.
So YIN JIM, u dun1 eat! Go cut urself! Washeh... N...N...
Lunch at her hse tht time, d mouse mee? Dun laugh ah...(Haha)
Dy say my eng nt gud lo! I dun lik d fried onion on it.
She jz very serious lik tht hlp me pick it one by one...XD
Washeh! Walau eh! She was so teliti n serious whn picking.
If 4 others ah, sure same scld me YIM JIM n ask me dun eat!
N~~ She keep on gv me wat I want... Exp, buy junk food...
I jz simply say I alwys eat junk food while doin revision.
Thn she ask her bro go buy it. I knw u all oso 1na eat de.
Bt jz, duno hw 2 voice out la... 4 sure I oso gt d junk food.
Hahahaha... Taurus sapo, u lik QI ZHI right? K la, I tld u.
Whn d time u hlping me do such things without complaint...
Is ur most gt QI ZHI de time la...Hahaha... I'm realy shock!
I feel tht u tolerate me all d time...XD U realy awesome!!
I knw wat I say gt a bit geli/touching. Bt u dun perasan ah!
Hahaha... I'm jz tld d truth. Agn~~ Thanks You Taurus sapo!!
Its frm my heart innermost part 2 say Thanks you! Xp
On d other hand, I'm wonder tht izzit same horoscope....
Realy wil hv same mind, same thinking n very ngam key de ah?
V quarrel+argue+tease each other all d time. Bt its fun oso.
Its realy ngam key til.... Aiya, duno hw 2 say la...Xp
4 sure same wif thm, u make me happy n enjoyed whn b wif u.
Hahahaah.... Eeeee....Shld stop...Feel geli abt it eh...Xp
K! Nw v jump back 2 Birthday party tht part...Xp
Altot Ms.Ng nt thr v're very sad. bt overall is ok.
After I went thr... Heard n wondering sumting make me...
Duno hw 2 describe tht feel...Haiz... No1 wil knw 4ever!
I go out walk byself n nt answering any1 phone. I feel...
Haiz...I feel tht I need fresh air n a place 4 me 2 b alone.
I need 2 refresh my mind n silent world tht time...XD
Bt ard half an hour later, saw XYan, Meri n Mich call me.
I din ans oso...N thn walk back 2 center cuz scare thm worry.
While half way, meet Jeat n Carmen, so v walk 2gether lo.
Luckily gt thm, if nt Yan thm sure wil ask whr I go bla bla~~
Hahaha..... K la, d party is fun. V played 3 games...
I lik it...XD Thx 4 u all 2 gv me an enjoyable n happy day.
N hor, 2day gt talk wif Mich's mum. 1st time talk so much lerh.
As u all knw I very scare of her mum dela. I oso duno y...Xp
I cant rmb clearly wat she say la, sure gt a bit diff la ofcuz.
2day she talk 2 me 1st, ofcuz I ans her. 1st she ask abt Ms.Ng.
Thn she sudden say. Exam come dy oh, dun ply lo. (heartbeat 200++)
Tht time I was damn scare n thinking... Seilo, she 1na scld me?
Cuz exam coming, I stil plan party 2 wasting her daughter time.
N thn she say...Shld study hard ya...I say en en...(heartbeat300++)
She put a hand on my shoulder say, U shld put more effort in study.
Repeat agn...>< U muz study hard 2 gt good result u knw... O.O
I was scare lik hell man! (heartbeat500++) XD Bt I'm happy too.
Cuz I wonder y she wil k abt my result things. Even my parents...
Oso din talk 2 me lik this b4. I think my engine let her heated up.
Altot I very scare u 4 no reason, bt I stil 1na say Thanks auntie!
U make me feel lik 1na put my heart in study 4 SPM...XD Haha!!
Back 2 party tht part!!! K, food was nice, games was nice...Xp
Everythings is good, v played 3 games thr... Its damn funny.
If Ms.Ng thr, I'm sure tht she wil laugh+crazy lik hell...XD
Thx Mich, XYan n Cat 4 planing us those games...XD
In conclusion, 2day many things make me shock n touching.
齐秦 - 不让我的眼泪陪我过夜
6 months ago
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