2day I'm proud of myself...Xp I trust tht no1 wil do lik me.
Well, 2day once d sch's bell ring I rush 2 5A, chat a while.
Actually purposely 1na wait sum1 walk 2gether dela...XD
Hmm...After tht she back hse n I go 4 lunch + do my stuff.
Go lunch at mamak while waiting d ppl photostate my things.
Thn, went Pui Mun's hse nearby ttn center return her things.
After tht plan 2 buy sum junk food b4 went her hse de bt...
Nt same direction, its totally 180 degree diff. Lazy me~~
Its too far n tired 4 me...Xp I'm tired lik hell tht time.
So decided straight went her hse without buying anythings.
Hahaha...Nxt time ya, I sure wil buy junk food thr de...XD
Whn walking on d road, I realy jealous 2 those ppl can drive!
Walau eh!! Its save time n wont burn out much energy oso!!
Rolf!! Wonder y parents dun let me gt my undang test...X.X
Thy jz cant thnk abt me? If gt transport, I no need so CHAM.
Hehe...Thn I can go anywhr I wan 2 go without troublesome U!
Apalah ni! Nt understanding one! Brain's blood vessel stuck!!
K ah, I start my story ah? I knw it wil b destroyed ur image.
Sry...Bt... I 1na mention out here... Hahahaha... (hw bad me)
I jz 1na express out my feel. Al those memories lerh. Hehe...
Once reach, ALAMAK! She's 衣冠不整 while open door 4 me...Xp
Hahahahahaha... K la, dun so bad laugh at u la. Actually...
I'm ntg wif it de...Xp I fel funny bcuz after tht u.....
U say u fel very paiseh n use d skirt cover?(if nt mistaken)
Quite funny la u, bt I din laugh tht time, I laugh in heart.
Hahahahahahaha...XD K LA! STOP LAUGHING PEARLY LIM!! Sry...
Paiseh! Paiseh! No need my explaination hor? Taurus ma...Xp
A har!! Rmb tht?! Dy say u btr finish bath b4 I come de lor!
Who ask u so slow! Stil updated blog thr...Walau eh! Zadao~
K, I admit tht I'm a little bit early, bt no choice la...XD
Me this type can manage an affair in high efficiency de.
Sure can finish my things in short/sharp time...Xp (perasan)
Hmm...After tht keep on shoo u go bath cuz I 1na bath too!!
Omg...Its wasting my time 2 saw u loitering ard d bathroom.
Lolx...I jz 1na start my study+revision earlier ny ma...XD
Cuz I knw tht sure nt enuf time 4 me one! Hahaha... Fake~~
K,nw...I'm realy wonder y gt such fren appear in my life one ah?
Hahahahaha...Weird+special ppl. Keep on ask ppl do this n tht.
Ppl dun1 stil 1na forced 2 listen. Omg! Exp: eating...Xp
Since u plan 2 gv me eat thn dun ask me whether wan or nt la!
Many times dy lo sapo!! U ask me bt thn u make ur own decision.
Zadao agn... Its realy crazy wei!! == N paiseh + sry la...><
I found tht my apperance, make u hard 2 concentrate study...XD
I oso dun1 lik tht de ah, jz duno y cant control myself...Xp
N sry ah, I unkful drop d books n wake u up frm nap. Hehe...
K la,I gonna stop nw, if nt ltr everythings ful of urs story.
Omg!! Eeeeee....(I lik copy) Geli + Weird = vomit. Hahaha...
Tht's all 4 2day. Ohya! 2moro Add.math n Sej test!! Oh gosh!!
Add.math???! Sej???! Yup!! Its killing me...Xp
Wish every1 of my fren GOOD LUCK!!!!! :)
齐秦 - 不让我的眼泪陪我过夜
6 months ago
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