Sunday, January 23, 2011

Eelyn's house...

Today we got work because of dont know what replacement on Chinese New Year. Today each them math and essay, wanna faint liao. Early in the morning already let them GEK this high blood pressure. Same things repeat more than 10times!! All facing the same problems, and still keep on repeat ask me the same things. Beh tahan~ And then afternoon that one more faint and speechless... == Theirs essay SUCKS!! I straight dont wanna bother, all throw to bak guat jing mark it. Xp 3.30pm, my mum come fetch us back grandma's house aka Eelyn's house. : )

Yeah~ We go Eelyn's house play. Really play! Haha... Her room and bed and bla bla~ Let us play untill kelam kabut!! Xp Wahaha... We take her money and throw everywhere. Whole floor money. But then after that bak guat jing tidy it. xD The most funny is Carmen, LS and me count 1,2,3 and jump onto her bed. Cover her's blanket somemore although we were dirty! Keep pull down her pants... Haha... And!! Thanks Emily spray me!! I'm soooo smell good after that. Ish~ Xp That was so crazy!

After that we go opposite Jusco Metro Prima to have steamboat as our dinner. : )  ( Emily keep on say that she wanna eat steamboat! Xp ) Hmm... Then, Lyn fetch me back and Emily fetch LS and carmen back! Enjoyed today.... : )