Now its real, realy left 3 MORE 10 DAYS. Shit!! 1month only!
Gonna get mad already. Study all half way. No mood sudy tim. : (
Today wake up early, plan to study de. After brushing, MYGRAINE!
Hate that!! So, sleep again and woke up on 12.30pm... Zzz... @.@
Blur blur like that whole day lerh!! Very boh song lor~ Waste time!
Monday until today I already migraine for 3 times. Damn it! Ish! : (
Parents say cause I under stress so will pain frequent! Lol...Walau~
Cant eat cheese, coke, coconut, chocolate and under stress??
So ma fan one?! Can I be normal a bit? I dont want that special!
I piss off la! I realy piss off of it!! How many years I should tahan it?
Seriously, I piss off~ I dont want migraine la! Got ways to treat it?!
I realy beh tahan jo lar! Its killing me! Very hyper damn freaking pain!
Cant imagine if during SPM exam time pain how? Get 0 marks lor?!
Haiz... Just forgot about it. Dont want say about that already. Sad~
No one will know+understand how SAN FU is it... : (
Lunch at dont know what place...Xp Forgot the name lar! Hahaha...
Realised a drinks very nice! Sprite+ribena+lemon. I like it much!
Seriously, Its realy nice! Next time wanna do it myself! Hehe..
After that went dad office a while. Play SDO with Mich and sis.
Haha...Thanks ya Mich. Thanks for purposely online play with me.
Then went shopping with family. 1U,The Curve,Cineleisure, Ikano...
Have dinner at KimGary~ Shuang cause long time din eat those things.
Once start I din go shopping with family, I less eat those yummy food.
Always cincai eat myself only. Ish... Haha... Ok la, that's all for today.
Ohya!!! Tomorrow I'm not going to school!! Hahaha....
Drag me to hell!!!
30days to SPM!!!
齐秦 - 不让我的眼泪陪我过夜
6 months ago
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