Today's post special a bit. A very very short post here. Haha...
Wanna blog but nothing to blog lerh. How come ah? Lol...Xp
Dont know have to blog what. Realy cant squize something out.
Maybe today I had nothing interesting to blog? Or I'm lazy? Xp
As weather so hot and I had no time. Long time din go cut hair.
Plan to cut hair today. But failed!! Know why huh? Ish... : (
Because I'm late there and the pretty girl named Apple back already.
Lol...You win already lor. Phone you that time say still there.
Then when we reach that time you back jo. Totally win already.
Tomorrow only go again with dad.....^^
Its some joke here..... I though it is very funny lar...Hahaha...
The dog real name is golden retriever and I call it as golden retarder.
Retarder? Bai chi gou? Lol.... My sister laugh till tears come out. XD
Aiyar~~ Realy nothing to say ALREADY la.....Xp
Haiz...Still thinking of whether tomorrow wanna skip school or not.
Suan la!!! I'm that INDECISIVE...Xp (Just learnt that word...Haha)
Besides, heard that its something wrong with grandfather.
Evening mum had go with aunt. But me and sister din care about it.
Izzit show that I'm bad? I din have any feels. How come ah? I'm bad!
Its in hospital emergency room right now. Dont know what happen.
Anyway, hope he will be fine. Mum ask us dont go school tomorrow.
Incase if realy anything happen to grandfather. But I still decide to go.
Lol...We all speechless on it.....Xp
Drag me to hell!!!
36days to SPM!!!
齐秦 - 不让我的眼泪陪我过夜
6 months ago
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