As wat I tld ytd,I had a dog which gift by dad's fren.
Its nt a branded-dog bt duno wat Rockvella? (Dad tld tht)
Its pure black til I nt so lik it. Black til cant c d face...XD
Lol...Its cute cuz of d SIZE ny. Bt nt its look n skin colour.
Haha...I'm A BIT bad I knw. I'm tht straight 4ward...Xp
Its real la yer. Only 3weeks ofcuz cute. Bt if 3month ltr?
Its wil lik big + black = ugly. Lol...Haha...Its realy ugly la!
Its face black til gt a bit scary tim...Xp Its A BIT noisy too!
1na hv a look on it? Pic pls refers 2 LS's blog......^^
Brg it 2 Ms.Ng center 2day. Let thm hv a look on it ma.
Haha...On morning, after breakf, go Ms.Ng hse take key.
After tht go fetch Cat n LS. Thn ny go ttn center 2gether.
Its damn noisy thr! Ish. Til I slap it...Xp Shld TEACH ma.
Dun 1na listen instruction, sure shld slap it la. Lol... ><'''
Ohya~ Its named Rockie. Hahaha!! Rockie = Rocky??
Hmm... Sry teacher... >< I troublesome u A LOT 2day.
I duno u fever n kep on disturb ur slp. Sry...Very sry...
I knw its my faults tht I leave those SHITs thr let u clean.
Very thx n Sry Ms.Ng... I had realy no experience on it.
Ish~ U!! C2pid doggie!! Troublesome all of us...Xp
Hng! Haiz... Ard 12pm, LS's bro come fetch us. Thx~
V studied. I revise A BIT chem n A BIT sej. Thx u la...XD
Thx 4 hlping in my Sej. Realy thx much. Wat else can say?
Its much thn wat I can say...I wil appreciate it AGN. Haha...
Ard 5pm, me n my dad went ttn center agn take bek d dog.
Lol... 1st time hv a dog. Sumtimes realy fel quite angry of it.
As u all knw, Taurus are IMPATIENT! Xp
Btw, hv Bio n Chem test 2moro. Good luck my fren!!
ps : very sad + disspointed.... U all win dy. ><
Drag me to hell!!!!
48days to SPM!!!!!!
齐秦 - 不让我的眼泪陪我过夜
6 months ago
taurus are impatient... but have determination lo
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