Today was wasting time at school! Seriously, its wasting my time!!
I cant study and do revision at school. Keep on chat with classmate.
Lol... How can like that? I feel guilty on wasting MUCH time. : (
So, ladies and gentlement~ Please do revision together tomorrow!!
Dont chat already, dont waste time le! Dont disturb my studies...Xp
Hahaha...Own self-control very weak still wanna blame on others.
Lol... Besides, saw her blog TITLE just now and shock me......^^
The title : 3 more 10 days. But I saw as 3 MORE DAYS. Lol...
My heart sudden wanna pop out and my eyes wanna drop out !!
Its scare me, then I saw again only realised...Its 3 more 10 days.
==''' Scare myself pulak. Ish... Got abit feel like wanna faint.
Haha... Pearly Lim!! You sot jo!! Awake lar wei~~ Xp
Heard that 5A will have a class trip?? To Genting on Dec15,16,17.
XYan them got go and for sure I will join them...^^ Parents allow!!
Hehe...Once back house I ask my parents about it and they allow!!
Yeah~ Yes! Waiting the coming of that day. My freedom is coming!
Hope that all my gang member can go too...Xp Pray hard for it~~
Today I stayed back. Purposely stay back go lunch with XYan them.
I know that we had not much time to lunch together next time. : (
Better treasure the time we been together. Say untill very sad like that.
Ish....Must be influence by XYan...Xp Always think negative. Lol...
Tomorrow as same, stay back again and lunch with them. Haha...
Between, its started today. I let them tease kao kao!! I speechless...
Lol...How can like that one? All pakat then win already lor!! Sienz la~
Sad lo, all dont want me lar! Throw me same room with her lar!! ><
(I'm not saying that I avoid her but... Dont tease like that lar...Xp)
Boyed me lar?! Xp Last year already lerh, want like that meh? Lol...
Stop teasing us lar, I feel annoyed on it lerh. Its realy nothing de la...Xp
The whole afternoon realy let you all tease untill TOTALLY speechless!
Especially Carmen Heng!! Geli enough lar you!! Yeeyer~ Beh Tahan.
Realy bored one you all. Aiya, suan!! Used to it, numb already.....^^
Hmm... Its somethings happen among she and he. Its realy troublesome.
Those things are realy hard than add.math...Xp SPM coming lar!!
Add.math some question still got formula to help oh. This kind of things.
No formula can help and will affected our mood and emotional de.
Lol... What I can say is, single life are always the best...Xp Hahaha...
Put aside and just concentrate in your exam lar. Dont do anythings jo!
Hope you two nothing la.... Back to normal lar~ Hahaha....
Ooh ya!! Discussed with aunt just now about my future...^^ Wow~
Well, since my aunt got quite much experiences. So, chatted with her.
After listen her explaination about all things. I got an idea for future.
Hmm...After my hyper long of wondering and... I majority will take...
Phycology as main subject and Mass Communicatinos as sub subject.
As my aunt said, phycology not only consult people. Its related to others.
Such as can work with bank, sales and marketing stuff. Wide career~
Mss communications good also but the working time will up side down.
Means we only will got 3/4hours per day to sleep. Woah~ Crazy! Xp
Instead of that, aunt still introduce a job. I forgot what's the job name.
Its work in hospital. We need to study how to use those big machines.
Only study for how to function those machines. (X-ray machines...)
Its quite simple I think. Quite bored facing ONLY machines...Xp
The most important is its has a flexible working time!! Wow~ XD
Its only need work for few hour per day. And its salary quite high...^^
Means we can had much free/personal time. *Wink* Hahaha...
That's what I want----FREE TIME!!! : )
Drag me to hell!!
33days to SPM!!!!
齐秦 - 不让我的眼泪陪我过夜
6 months ago
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